What Can You Do When Your Social Security Disability Claim Is Denied?

When you work for years and pay into social security benefits, you expect that if the times comes that you become disabled, you should be able to draw from that money. It's possible that you already are in the position where you can no longer work and have filed a claim to receive those benefits and have since been denied. What can you do if your social security claim is denied?

Appeal Your Denial

If you have received a notice of denial of your social security benefits claim, don't give up hope. You also do not have to re-apply and begin the process from the beginning and risk another denial. In fact, the majority of claims are denied when the claimant first applies for it, yet many claims are accepted once the claimant appeals the original decision.

It might take longer to appeal the decision than it takes to re-apply, but it is possible that your claim could be denied again and you will eventually have to go through the appeal process anyway.

Consult a Lawyer

Once you have received the denial of your claim, seek out the help of a lawyer specializing in social security disability claims before filing your appeal. When you hire a lawyer, you significantly increase your chances of having your appeal accepted and receiving your benefits.

It is possible that you might not wish to hire a social security attorney because you feel you don't have the means to afford one. This is typically not the case in the event of a disability benefits lawyer because they typically receive payment if they win your case. The same is true if you do win your claim, then your lawyer will be paid, if not, you don't have to worry about any charges.

Appeal Right Away

When you receive your judgment that your claim has been denied, don't wait to contact a lawyer and file your appeal. You have limited time in which to do so before you will lose your chance. It's typically a couple of months but check with your lawyer to confirm this.

Make sure you bring all documentation to your lawyer, for example, doctor's records indicating that you have become disabled and can no longer work, work incident reports (if you became disabled while at work) and any other piece of information that can help your case such as financial records and bills to be paid.  
