How A Surgeon's Negligence Can Lead To Liposuction Complications

Liposuction is a fairly is a fairly routine cosmetic procedure and most people who opt for the treatment don't expect serious complications. However, just like other forms of surgery, complications sometimes occur. In some cases, these complications occur due to the cosmetic surgeon's negligence. Here are some negligent actions that can lead to dangerous liposuction complications:

Removing Too Much Fat

The liposuction process is meant to remove some fats from the body, but not too much fat because you do need some fat on you. Therefore, a surgeon who removes too much fat may be liable for medical malpractice because such as situation may leave you with bumpy, wavy or withered skin. This is even more likely if the fat removal is also uneven. The damage may or may not be permanent, but both may require further treatment.

Using Contaminated Instruments

Any surgical procedure should involve sterile equipment to avoid transferring germs or poison into your body. Therefore, a surgeon that uses contaminated instruments and leaves you with a nasty injury should pay for the related damages.

Damaging an Internal Organ

In a typical liposuction procedure, the surgeon uses an instrument known as a cannula to remove fats from your body. The cannula is a pointed instrument with a hollow inside that the surgeon pushes under your skin to remove the fat deposits. It is not common, but possible, for a surgeon to push the cannula too far in and damage an organ that they shouldn't have touched in the first place.

Removing Too Much Fat During a Single Session

There is a limit to how much body fat you should lose in a day and still be healthy.  A trained surgeon should know what this limit is so that they don't exceed it during the liposuction procedure. If a negligent surgeon removes too much fat within a single session, and end up weakening and endangering your body, you have the right to sue them for the relevant damages.

Damaging a Nerve

Nerve damage is also an inherent risk of any surgical procedure. It is rare, but possible, for the cannula used in liposuction procedures to damage a nerve. In such a case, the cause of the damage needs to be investigated and the surgeon will only be held liable for the damage if they caused it by their negligence.

If you have been injured or developed complications after a liposuction procedure, you may have a valid medical malpractice claim against the facility or surgeon. Get treatment for your complications and then consult a personal injury lawyer from firms like Caldwell Kennedy & Porter to evaluate your claim.
