Three Reasons Why You Need To Make Your Divorce Decree VERY Specific

Ask any divorce attorney, and he/she will tell you that you need a lawyer's help when writing a divorce decree. Sure, you can do your divorce pro se, but then you will spend the next several years in and out of court with your ex resolving issues that were unresolved in your original decree. You also need to make the decree very specific. Here is why.

Lack of Specificity Leaves Loopholes

A lack of specificity in a divorce decree leaves interpretation loopholes. This becomes a big problem when your ex decides that he/she wants something you originally agreed would become your property. The judge is stuck interpreting what the original decree said about this particular item or issue, and it may not come out in your favor. Do not leave interpretation loopholes that your ex can use against you in yet another hearing later on.

Cover Areas Neither of You Thought Of

Doing a pro se divorce often leaves things uncovered and undecided. Neither of you thought of this issue because neither of you saw it coming. Your lawyer, however, can see these issues arising, and will ask you how you want to handle them.

For example, if your ex decided to give you full physical custody of the children, and the two of you left it at that, he/she can come back and try to get physical custody at a later date. Stop your ex in his/her tracks by stating exactly how you want this to go. If you want full physical custody of the children indefinitely and without reverting back to shared placement, your divorce attorney will put that in the decree. Your ex can fight it, but if he/she agrees to it, it would take some really unusual changes in your circumstances to change it in their favor later.

Agreeing to Health and Medical Care, but Not Daycare

Sometimes one parent has to work shifts that are not conducive to the visitation times he/she has agreed to. When that happens, the parent enrolls the child or children in a daycare during visitation times. That should not be your expense, nor should you have any responsibility for it because it was his/her choice. You can make sure that you agree only to share the expenses related to your children's health and medical needs, not childcare for the times your ex has the kids. Otherwise, the daycare has every right to pursue you for the bill and it can affect your credit history.
